
Read a sampling of Rabbi Miriam’s writings, including sermons and essays at the intersection of justice work and creative spiritual practice.

Let’s Build a Room for Hope.

“I make a space for hope to come. I am going to prepare her a beautiful room. I am going to lure her towards me. I set the table for her arrival through action, through not turning away.”

Lilith Magazine, October 19, 2023

Bat Mitzvahs Keep Getting Canceled On TV: Why real ceremonies can transcend the trope.

“The spontaneously canceled b’nei mitzvah trope offers a fantasy of freedom that comes from abandoning tradition. For all those who want to turn and face the tradition instead, may we evolve and sustain the tradition. May we follow a different kind of fantasy. One we make together.”

Lilith Magazine,  Feb 26, 2023

Sukkot means we must house people.

"As a rabbi who believes that shelter is fundamental to human dignity, and is therefore sacred, I am appalled by continued efforts to cut essential services while echoing far-right talking points to demonize migrants.

NY Daily News Opinion, October 5th, 2023

Care is a Universal Need: A Yom Kippur Sermon on Birth, Death and How We Care for One Another

“All of us were born and needed care. All of us will die and will need some form of care along the way. No human being is outside of that.”

Shared by Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, October 14, 2022

As a Future Rabbi, I’m Standing With Native People Against the Dakota Pipeline.

“Since its inception, this country has sacrificed the land, health and lives of poor people and communities of color in the name of extracting and refining fossil fuels and natural resources. Many of these communities are now leading the charge for climate justice. Today, being a good ancestor means responding to those calls to action with ‘yes’ .“

The Forward, October 21, 2016