Rabbi Miriam Grossman is a Jewish educator, ritual maker, writer and organizer

Currently, you can find Rabbi Miriam teaching, leading life cycle ritual, writing and organizing. Rabbi Miriam is the co-chair of Tirdof: New York Jewish Clergy for Justice, the joint rabbinic council of Jewish for Racial and Economic Justice and T’ruah NY.

From 2019- 2023 Rabbi Miriam was the Rabbi of Kolot Chayeinu in Brooklyn NY. She also worked as a Rabbinic Intern and then Rabbinic Fellow at Kolot from 2016-2019. Kolot is a vibrant multi-generational congregation committed to creative Jewish practice and to the ongoing pursuit of a more just city and world.

Rabbi Miriam graduated from Oberlin College in 2009 with a degree in Creative Writing and a minor in Religion. At Oberlin, Miriam interned for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to work on an oral histories project and to support local environmental justice organizing. During rabbinical school at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Miriam organized in solidarity with the Standing Rock movement against the Dakota Access Pipeline. At RRC, Miriam also worked with homebound elders as a Chaplain Intern through the Jewish Theological Seminary. She was ordained in 2019.

Before rabbinical school, Rabbi Miriam was the inaugural Talmud Fellow at SVARA: A Traditionally Radical Yeshiva dedicated to queer Talmud study. She was formerly a Program Director for AVODAH: The Jewish Service Corps, a Community Organizer for the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs, and an educator through the Jewish Enrichment Project.  In 2011, Miriam won the 20/20 Award from the Jewish Educators Assembly for her innovative work with JCUA educating Jewish youth about the intersections of structural racism and economic injustice. Miriam holds a certificate in Interfaith Engagement from the Chicago Theological Seminary. She is an alumna of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship. In 2023 Rabbi Miriam was in the inaugural clergy cohort of the Jewish Studio Project, an organization which cultivates creativity as a Jewish spiritual practice and tool of social transformation. Her writing has appeared in Lilith Magazine, The Forward, and the NY Daily News.